I still couldn’t believe that I travelled solo but I’m glad I did! I’m the perfect synonym for “introvert” and I hardly participate in any family gatherings. I‘m always on my own, trying to figure out many unwanted things in life or should I call it as an over thinker?! It’s not that I’m a complicated person but I would love to complicate my life (bizarre right?) People who are new to me think I’m the most outgoing and bold woman. Honestly, I’m the opposite to whatever people think of me on first meeting. Basically, I had been a coward throughout my life. And I’m not even ashamed to admit to it! I basically lacked self confidence, thanks to my family members. I used to think twice before going anywhere (probably even a departmental store near my house).

Never too late to get rid of your fears..
Do it right now
Amidst a lot of confusions in life, I decided to do something that would help me overcome my fears. I planned to travel solo only because I had no travel partner. But it turned out to be the best decision I had taken in life. My girl friends were not really into travelling and I shared my plans on going “solo” with my best friends and well-wishers. As expected, they were against my idea and many even laughed it off. But somehow, I stood firm with my decision and convinced everybody. If you are one of those people who thinks solo travel is not meant for women, would you PLEASE wake up from your hibernation and come out of the cave that Fred from the Flintstones had built?!
I’m not going to lie and say it changed my life overnight, but it sure did help me realise my self worth. I made new friends, ate out alone (and I did not feel embarrassed about it), shared my hostel room with complete strangers and made a lot of memories that I would cherish for the rest of my life.

I made friends with her <3
Don’t wait for the right time to make your dreams come true because it is already freaking late and life goes faster than you think! I got rid of my Stone Age perceptions on mainstream taboos and I’m now ready to do anything that is forbidden for women around the world *rolls my eyes*. And I know it’s a cliched thing to say but I mean every word of it.
A long way, but worth it
Did it help me overcome my insecurities, fears and awkwardness with the society? Not yet as I’m still working on it and pushing my limits to achieve everything that is only desirable to ME. I strongly believe you do not have to do anything to prove it to the world but to yourself! Do check out my blogs on my solo trip to Egypt and Bali.

Prove it to yourself..
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