My Ultimate Guide To Snorkelling On Your Solo Trip To Bali | Solo Female Travel


Bali as a travel destination is every traveller’s favourite, mainly because of its rich culture, stunning beaches, delicious cuisine, and historical attractions. Moreover, Bali is also a heaven for all the sea lovers out there! Yes, considering the number of beautiful beaches that Bali has, one can only expect it to be a popular destination for sea lovers too.

The crystal water that you see at the shores of the beaches is one of the many things that makes Bali an excellent destination for sea lovers. Additionally, once you go underwater, you will find a whole new world there! A rich marine life with beautiful corals and thousands of different fishes—the life underwater is magical!

Now, the best way to explore this underwater marine life is definitely snorkelling. While you might have gone to the beaches in Bali to sunbathe, surf, or scuba dive, most of these beaches offer you the experience of snorkelling as well!

I have put together everything you might need to try out snorkelling on your next solo trip to Bali in this blog post. So keep on reading to know more!

Why is Bali a great spot to try out snorkelling?

snorkelling in bali

You must be thinking, why try snorkelling only in Bali, right? Well, there are many reasons for the same. Let’s look at them one by one.

Outstanding Visibility 

The water in Bali is quite clear. You will not have to go too deep inside the ocean to see the colourful marine life. Most of the time during the year, the sea remains clear. On a bright sunny day, you can easily see up to 50 meters underwater!

A Diverse Marine Life

This is one of the most important reasons that make snorkelling in Bali a good opportunity. Around the coast of Bali, there are a wide variety of marine creatures. Some of these are Bumphead Parrotfish, Hammerhead Shark, Giant Sunfish, and Hawksbill Turtles! If you are someone who has a keen interest in underwater marine life, Bali will not disappoint you.

Multiple Snorkelling Spots and Courses

There are many spots in Bali for you to go snorkelling. And the best part is most of these spots have a unique combination of marine animals and fishes that you can check out. Trust me—it is going to be totally worth it!

If you are a beginner and do not even know the basics of snorkelling, don’t worry. The snorkelling spots in Bali offer several courses that you can take up to learn things and tips for snorkelling. And, the trainers are quite experienced, so you know you are in good hands!

Best time to go snorkelling in Bali

Since Bali is a tropical island, you can expect the weather to be hot and humid all around the year. Now, the seasons in Bali are divided into two—the dry season, which lasts from April to September, and the wet season, which lasts from October to March.

The ideal time to go snorkelling in Bali is definitely the dry season. During the wet season, the rains can cause the sea to be very rough, which can ruin your experience of snorkelling. 

It does not rain 24×7 in the wet season either—you will surely see a few days here and there with the sun shining bright. But if you want to try snorkelling in Bali, it is not worth taking a risk visiting the island during the wet season!

Best spots for snorkelling in Bali

Here are some of the popular spots for snorkelling on your solo trip to Bali.

Wreck of the USAT Liberty, Tulamben

This is one of the most popular spots for snorkelling among the divers in Bali. Along with a wide variety of vibrant coral reefs and fishes, you will also see the wreck of an American warship, the USAT Liberty. 

For snorkelling, you will have to dive up to 5 meters into the sea for the experience. However, if you wish to be a little adventurous and feel like checking out the warship completely, you will have to dive up to 30 meters into the sea. 

If you happen to plan your snorkelling experience on a bright sunny day, you will be able to see about 125 meters under the sea from the surface itself!

Cost of snorkelling at the Wreck of the USAT Liberty – 876965 Indonesian Rupiah ($61.23)

Average snorkelling time – 3 – 4 hours

Best time for snorkelling – April to September

The Coral Garden, Tulamben

Tulamben has more to offer you than the Wreck of the USAT Liberty. Another very famous snorkelling spot in Tulamben, Bali, is the Coral Garden. It also happens to be one of the best places to see the beautiful coral reefs, which are almost on the surface of the water. But here is another thing you need to keep in mind. The coral reefs at the Coral Garden are not all organic. Some of them are man-made too! But they are all equally colourful and beautiful.

There are a total of 150 reefs spread across the sea, and it makes for a great spot for snorkelling! If you are lucky enough, you might even see the Barracuda, Damselfish, and Squid underwater. And if you decide to explore more of what this spot has to offer during your snorkelling experience, you can even dive deeper and see the underwater temple. It blossoms with many colourful aquatic plants and vegetation. 

And hey, don’t forget to carry your waterproof camera to capture the colourful reefs and aquatic plants!

Cost of snorkelling at the Coral Garden – 779525 Indonesian Rupiah ($54.42)

Average snorkelling time – 4 – 5 hours

Best time for snorkelling – April to September

To book your snorkelling tickets online for your solo trip, visit You might even get some discounts depending on the time you book tickets!

Shark Island, Serangan

Did the name of this place scare you a little? Well, don’t worry. Shark Island is an artificial island that gives the divers an opportunity to snorkel and swim with sharks. Now isn’t that cool?

The island also has a lot of endangered shark species. You can recognise these by their black and white colour, also known as Tip Reef Sharks. These sharks are bred here on the island, and the healthy ones are eventually released back into the ocean later on. But you will definitely get a chance to swim with the sharks at Shark Island. 

Snorkelling at Shark Island can truly be a lifetime experience as it is not that common for snorkellers to swim along with sharks. You mostly see coral reefs, other aquatic animals, and plants at most snorkelling spots. But this one is truly one of a kind!

Cost of snorkelling at the Shark Island – 1364168 Indonesian Rupiah ($95.24)

Average snorkelling time – 1 day

Best time for snorkelling – April to September

Jemeluk Bay, Amed

If you are a beginner at snorkelling, then Jemeluk Bay in Amed Beach may be a great option for you. The water here is blue and crystal clear. This snorkelling spot is full of several aquatic animals and colourful coral reefs too. Some of the fishes that you may find more than others at Jemeluk Bay are Blue Spotted Rays, Surgeonfish, and Angelfish!

You can even explore the different types of water sculptures under the sea. Most of these are covered with beautiful corals.

Jemeluk Bay happens to be one of the most budget-friendly options for snorkelling too. So you can have a great snorkelling experience in Bali without burning a hole in your pocket!

Cost of snorkelling at the Shark Island – 292321 Indonesian Rupiah ($20.41)

Average snorkelling time – 4 hours 

Best time for snorkelling – May to September

Nusa Penida Island, Bali

If you have not added Nusa Penida Island to your itinerary to Bali, then you are missing out on a lot. It is a small yet gorgeous island located a little far away from Bali. The island offers plenty of touristy and non-touristy things to its visitors!

One of the main attractions in Nusa Penida Island is snorkelling. Most divers consider the island to be a very calm and beginner-friendly place for snorkelling. Along with the beautiful coral reefs, you will also see Manta Rays, located in abundance here!

Cost of snorkelling at the Shark Island – 360000 Indonesian Rupiah ($25.13)

Average snorkelling time – 3 – 4 hours 

Best time for snorkelling – April to October

Precautions to take while snorkelling in Bali

While there is no harm as such in snorkelling, there are a few things you must keep in mind before opting for the same. Even though your instructor will tell you everything there is you need to know before diving into the water, these are some general precautionary measures that can be helpful.

Protect your skin

This is one of the important things to consider before diving into the water. Even underwater, you need to protect your skin from harmful sun rays. This is why you need to apply sunscreen to your body. Also, you need to apply a protective rash guard if you are allergic to seawater. 

And the last thing to do to protect your skin is to wear a swimming suit. While sunscreen and a protective rash guard will protect you from sun rays and allergies, a swimming suit will protect you from jellyfish interactions. These are known to cause rashes on the skin, which can get quite severe!

Read my blog on what to pack for your solo trip to Bali .

Buy a good quality snorkelling gear

snorkelling in bali

If you plan on buying your own snorkelling gear, then make sure to check for any damages that may later hinder your snorkelling experience. And if you are renting the gear, take a good look at the apparatus for visible damage. You can wear your snorkelling gear and go underwater with the supervision of your instructor to check for damages! In most snorkelling spots in Bali, you will be given the gear. You may have to pay for it for one-time use.

Stay close to the shores

This is one of the main precautions you must take before going snorkelling. And if you are a beginner, it is even more essential to stay close to the shores. Sometimes, the tropical currents can get dangerous and force you into the open sea. Even if you are a pro at snorkelling, it can be equally dangerous for you!

If you stay close to the shore, you will have a better chance of getting off the sea in case something happens all of a sudden!

Be confident in the water

Yes, this is a precautionary measure too. Wearing the snorkelling gear and getting underwater can get a little scary sometimes, even for professionals. 

And if you are a beginner, you might feel a little more intimidated. So, take your time before diving into the sea and make sure you are confident! Remember, deep-sea diving is very different from the regular swimming that you do in swimming pools!

Avoid snorkelling if you have respiratory problems

If you have respiratory problems, avoid snorkelling as it can get dangerous for you underwater. Even if you have a mild problem such as a blocked nose or cough, do not go snorkelling on that particular day. You can speak with your instructor and see if they approve of it!

So, are you all set to snorkel on your next solo trip to Bali?

Snorkelling is one of the most fun water adventures out there. And Bali happens to be one of the best places to do it! If you are planning your next solo trip, I would highly recommend that you consider Bali because it is a beautiful travel destination, especially for solo female travellers. Not just that, Bali also offers you plenty of things to do and see, so just know that you will surely have one of the best solo trips of your life!

If you are visiting Bali for the first time, these tips will come in handy and help you have a better solo travel experience.

Do let me know in the comment section below about your snorkelling experience in Bali. Till then, happy travelling! Go live the dream you have always wanted to without worrying too much about what others have to say!


An introverted solo female traveller on an adventure around the world.

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