The village of Menar lies in the tehsil of Bhinder in the Udaipur district. However, the village is at an approximate distance of 52 kilometres from the city centre. You might have come across the name of this village while surfing for offbeat places in Udaipur. The Menar Village is gaining popularity with the passing time, especially for its bird sanctuary and lake.
If you are on a trip to Udaipur, make it a point to visit this village. The remoteness and calmness of the place attract many tourists.
Not only tourists, but I have also seen locals visiting the village. This bird’s paradise is also known for a lot more things.
The historical connection
The popularity of Menar Village is born out of its historical significance. On your visit to the village, you will learn about the strong connection the village shares with history. During the rule of Maharana Pratap, this place was home to several soldiers after wars against Mughals.
The massive 52 feet idol of Lord Shiva
On your visit to the Menar Village, you will come across the 52 feet tall idol of Lord Shiva. You may wonder why 52 feet? 52 is supposedly the lucky number for the village.
Long story short, once Maharana Pratap gifted a 52 bigha land to the people of Menar for their bravery. Interestingly, the distance between the city and the village is also 52 kilometres. So by now, I guess you have understood the reason behind 52 feet.
If you have explored Haridwar, a pilgrimage site in Uttarakhand, you will know where the inspiration came from for this statue of Shiva. One will be awestruck at the construction of the idol at Thakur Ji temple. It took around 400 people from the village to execute it. Many devotees visit the village to worship Lord Shiva during monsoons.
The people of the village
Whenever I suggest any place, the people of that place play a significant role in it. You will learn how the community of Menar Village is driven to create a balanced ecosystem. The people have stopped using lake water and fishing to maintain its serenity. You can spend ample time in the village simply engaging with them. The villagers even work as a guide. Hence, you can even get a glimpse of their simple lifestyle while walking through the village.
The bird sanctuary and the famous Menar Lake
One main reason people visit the village is the bird sanctuary. If, by chance, you are planning to visit Udaipur in winter, add an extra day to your vacation. Solely for visiting this place. With luck by your side, you can spot innumerable migratory birds. These include Greater Flamingo, Black Kite, Green Sandpiper, Common Crane, etc. The bird lovers will fly with a happy heart!
Besides that, you can visit the village to enjoy the tranquil ambience of the lakes. The village has two lakes. I suggest you visit the one on the outskirts as it will be more serene. Be it sunrise or sunset, bask in the sun’s glory in the village!
Menaria – The heartiest community of the village
And here comes the best part of the village. Menaria is a community that comprises 80% of the village’s population. The Menar Brahmins are Menaria, who once defeated the Mughal army to invade Udaipur. They have lived through history. So you should not miss a chance to get in touch with these people of the warrior community. Their stories will intrigue you to know more about the history of Udaipur.
A village of family chefs for millionaires
Hold on, the reasons to visit this village do not end here. I was surprised to come across this fact about Menar. The village produces the finest cooks for millionaires. They have been head chefs in the households of Indian celebrities like Lata Mangeshkar and Dhirubhai Ambani. Not only celebrities, the Menaria chefs even serve in the foreign land.
You will also discover that none of the Menaria chefs have undergone any cooking courses. These people are so talented and diverse that they can cook almost any cuisine. Won’t it be amazing if you could taste the food in the village? I bet it will be drool-worthy!
The grandeur of Jabri Gair Festival
Now tell me, who doesn’t like festivals? Especially if you are a traveller, you know celebrating different festivals in different places is the best. If you plan to celebrate Holi, the festival of colours in Udaipur this time, make a trip to Menar the next day.
An epic celebration of Jabri Gair takes place there. However, it is not for weak-hearted people as they celebrate the festival with gunshots, crackers, and cannons. There are stunt shows after the performance of the Gair dance. So my tip will be to only travel to the village if you are high on adrenaline, adventurous, and love being a part of a different culture.
How to reach Menar Village
You can rent a car or opt for public transport to reach the village. In my opinion, renting a car/taxi is a good option. You have to drive past Dabok airport of Udaipur via NH 76. Take a look at car rental options here.
What is the ideal time to travel to Menar?
Undoubtedly, winter is the best time to visit Menar. The weather is refreshingly good. Moreover, you can spot the birds easily in this season.

Let me know if you are enjoying my blog. I believe a little appreciation goes a long way. If you have already been to Menar from Udaipur, share your experience in the comments below.
Till then, keep travelling, ladies!
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