Safety is no gentlewoman to vent out and lighten up your burden. On the contrary, she is an annoying cry baby recklessly preying on your attention 24/7 without a break.
The good news is your safety is sealed with resorting tips for a safe environment based on my solo travel to Italy. You can now relax and ace up your travel to Italy effortlessly.
Let’s quickly read to know why Italy is a safe destination for solo travel.
1. Secure your passport at all cost
Passport robbery?
Yeah. If you are not aware of passport robbery, you have a long way to climb up the wall. In the century where migration has become abundant, illegal migration is no mystery to solve. That said, your valuables include your passport as well. To stay and return to your land safe, secure it like a baby. Possessing a photocopy is also appreciable. Unfortunately, if you lose it, contact the embassy without any delay.
2. Keep in memory the mobile numbers of your closed ones
Since we talked about passport robbery, it is necessary to point out its magnitude. Of course, passport robbery is not an easy peasy threat. When involved in difficult situations where you have lost your valuables or passport, support from your family becomes inevitable.
Imagine how embarrassing it would be if you say you do not know their numbers. Bad! So, memorise the phone number of at least two people who are quick to respond to your call.
3. Hide inside your clothes to seek out Italy
A part of the travel is to play, hide and seek. Hide by wearing comfy clothes on your solo travel in Italy. Your intent is not to look anything like a stranger. Simple yet elegant, pants and tops will steal the show. Dress like a local to escape unwanted attraction. Since the natives do not wear exposing clothes, you can eliminate skin-revealing clothes from your packing list.
4. Send live updates through chat to your family or friends
As we talk about solo travellers’ safety in Italy, one must understand that staying safe is not always about prevention. How much ever you stay cautious, sometimes, things take a rough turn. In simple words, my policy for safety is staying alive in the end. Ha-ha.
Not to deny, getting robbed is an unfortunate event that nails stress to anyone. But, getting kidnapped or left alone with our organs taken is the worst thing that can happen on our travel.
Okay, I may have shown you a super real fearsome shot. But, let us agree and take the middle position that our solo travel goal in Italy is to stay safe, stay alive, and stay fortunate.
So, it is time to think of the alarming situation you may encounter on your solo travel.
In case you are lost or kidnapped, the police need clues to find you. At the time, if you have informed a member of your family or friend about your live updates, it would be greatly helpful. Without any doubt, update your family or friend with every move of yours. Put a message whether they see it or not. If possible, send them the contact number of the people you have met on your solo travel in Italy too.
5. Do not display your expensive pieces of stuff
The truth is I pack the best of my stuff for my travel. I want my travel pictures to be the best in my best attire and accessories! Although, we cannot deny that displaying expensive accessories and gadgets is unsafe on your solo travel in Italy. Especially, Italian alleys are the landmark place where bag snatching and mugging happen.
6. Send the number plate information to your family
In those rare cases when you hop in a taxi ride or take rental cars, notice the number plate information. Send it immediately to your family or friend to stay safe on your solo travel in Italy. If you have read my previous blog posts, you know for sure, public transport is the safest and cheapest. I believe you would not ditch it for a taxi.

Rare cases only! Okay? Anyways, do not send the info after getting into the taxi. The best and favourable thing in all situations is to do it before entering the vehicle.
7. Stay informed about the safety conditions through your embassy
Your travel to Italy is a piece of daylight news to the embassy. As we all know, the embassy is there for you to help in your terrible times. Your return to the homeland is assured with them. The embassy informs you about the general safety conditions and ethics you need to follow as a traveller.
Apart from it, it ensures a safe culture by advocating certain programs to guide your path in Italy on your solo travel. Yes. For instance, the American embassy introduced STEP (smart traveller enrollment), a free program that offers regular guidance on the safety conditions of your place. It enables you to connect with your family or friends as well.
Nice application. While the STEP program of America is quite unveiled to travellers, every embassy must be having programs like this to further please their citizen’s safe environment. So, approach your embassy and find them.
8. You are the hound of your valuables
Do you seek protection from others like Sandor Clegane was to Sansa Stark? What Sansa had to go through is history. So, take up responsibility gladly and travel like Arya Stark and not like Sansa Stark. Guard your valuables such as credit card, debit card, cash, camera, selfie stick, lenses, mobile like a prey tracked down by a hound.
9. Know the hospitals near you
Ideally, travellers’ safety concern points to their valuables, including their wallets, suitcase, gadgets, and passports. And then, when they see a taxi man calling out for a ride, it goes to not getting kidnapped, killed, or robbed. But sadly, the health conditions which are trivial in the first place to stay safe are overlooked. Don’t you agree?
Nevertheless, tablets, jet lags take up space on your Italy packing list. The intensity in which it matters to your safe travel as a solo traveller in Italy is disappointing. So, stop toying around with your health condition. Prepare for emergency situations.
Yes, know the hospitals near you. If at all anything happens, you must know to utter the hospital name without blinking. Carry the potential pill kit to every sightseeing location. If you happen to have any recurring medication, talk with your doctor before your travel.h
10. Take the help of navigation tools
I am not on the side of advertising your mobile phone to the public. It is wrong to tempt robbers and complain of robbery. Anyways, getting lost appears scarier to me than getting a mobile phone snatched. I myself cannot believe these words are coming out from me.
Hence when you think you are losing track, take out the mobile phone. Open up the navigation app and sort out the confusion. Meantime, keep your gadget’s existence low-key.
Now, I take back my words. Losing my mobile is a nightmare for me.
11. Stick with a group

No! No! No!
Sticking with a group is not against the ethics of solo travel. Come on, ladies. After all, our wish is to travel safely solo without any hurry bury and enjoy Italy. Your freedom and fun are not spoiled if you follow a group in less crowded areas.
For example, in situations where you need to use restrooms in tourist destinations or gas stations. Instead of mindlessly walking alone, if you see a group of people moving there, you can calmly lead behind them.
The same goes for restaurants. Do not enter places which is less crowded or with no people at all. In the same way, if you need anything emergency at night, do not venture out alone from your hostel. Ask the security or ask the receptionist to get the work done in a safe manner on your solo travel in Italy.
12. Raise your voice and scare away the intruder in Italy
I love doing it. A rare piece of adventure that only solo female travellers can perform. How cool is that? One of the 25 tips I told you before travelling alone in Italy is to beware of Italian men. Now, I feel sorry for Italian men. To be frank, it is not only the Italian men. Since our solo travel is to Italy, I am adding the specificity of Italian, and I am repeating again, keep your voice above to stay safe.
Just now, I said to stick with the group. Even when halted in a crowded place, Italian men staring at you cannot be escaped.
But if it gets overboard. And, they make you more uncomfortable by hitting on you—scream Lasciami solo. Lasciami solo means “leave me alone.” Let him get the attention of the public around. Trust me—it is very effective in most cases.
13. Do not get deceived by the people begging for money
I know you, woman. You are kind. You are lovable. You are helping. You are down to earth. But, these wonderful qualities in incredible amounts are a barrier if you plan to stay safe on your solo travel to Italy. Italy sure has many localities prone to be filled with beggars. My encounter was in the frontal public arena in Vatican City.
- Number one, yes, there is a huge crowd of beggars waiting for you in front of the Vatican City.
- Number two, beggars are common around areas like churches. Not in every church, though.
- Number three, when you give money to one, you can see your blessings instantly coming to you thrice. Lol!
- Number four, beggars in Italy are a bit of trouble because when one diverts you, the other steals your things.
- Number five, they work as a group. You cannot seek guidance if you get robbed.
14. Be well informed about Italy
Whenever I try to put the blame on other people for my wrongdoings, my grandmother used to say when you point the finger at others, the rest are directed at you. Likewise, how much ever you plan and prepare for your travel, if you fail to know about the safety conditions of Italy, it is a black mark on you.
You need to do full-fledged research on Italy. The best and worst rated places. What to do and what not. The most generic thing to do as part of your safe solo travel to Italy is to know the details of the place you are going to stay.
The reason behind doing the research is to stay away from the bad ones. It is not easy as that. But you can prepare to face these situations.
15. Guard yourself against pickpocketers
Pickpocketing ranks number one in the survey conducted on safety threats in Italy. Mingling in the crowd is the style of attack of pickpocketers. Do the following to sue them goodbye.
- Use a crossbody bag.
- Wear pants with pockets and zips.
- Keep your coin purse in your pocket, preferably the front one.
- Do not display your money in public.
- If you are comfy with a money belt, use it.
- A purse hook is never a good idea to guard your stuff.
Click here to read my blog post on “20 Italian Dishes You Must Try on Your Solo Trip to Italy.”
16. Give the appearance of a local
You can do better other than jabbering in hardly learnt Italian phrases to look like a local. If you are asking with such enthusiasm, I am ready to teach you my tricks. The three ‘C’s to stay safe on your solo travel to Italy are Calm, Confidence, Cancel.
Yes, stay calm in situations you are burning out of sweat, shivering with coldness in your heart.
After staying calm, release the aura of confidence in your face. Handle the event cool and casual, like how a local will do. If staying calm and confident is not helping out.
Then, exhibit mission cancel. Abandon the plan and call out for help. Hehe. Thank me later.

Those were quite a few tips to stay safe on your solo travel in Italy. Nevertheless, the decent and the most basic thing expected of you is to stay mindful all time. If you are mindful of the surroundings, monitoring the people passing by, and so on, you can easily avoid 95% of the threats to your safety. To know more about the safety and security conditions in Italy, click here.
Stay alert, stay safe, and stay happy in Italy.
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